It is an innovative method of controlling chronic pain which results in the destruction of nervous structures. The THERMOLESION treatment is performed using high frequency current generated around the tip of the electrode inserted into the nerve tissues. The generated current reaches a temperature close to 80 ° C around the tissue which is thus destroyed.
Thermolesion Treatment
The treatment is characterized in effective treating pain deriving from:
- Cervical spine
- Thorax spine
- Lumbar spine
The main advantages of the Thermolesion treatment are:
- Awareness of the patient during treatment
- Local anesthesia
- Full control by X-ray
- Treatment time 45-60 min - depending on the number of the destroyed nerves
- Small invasiveness
- Small number of side effects
An innovative treatment done by thermolesion is the procedure called Pulsed Thermolesion with a device TOP TLG-10 RF Generator. This technique of Pulsed Thermolesion is used to temporarily block the conduction in the nerve that cannot be obtained by the traditional Thermolesion technique. The treatment is sometimes effective in the treatment of sciatica.
Thermolesion treatment should be used as the last resort when other non-invasive treatments fail. The essence of the Thermolesion treatment is to identify and confirm the source of pain using a diagnostic block. If the results are positive, Thermolesion procedure can be performed..
TOP TLG-10 RF Generator
Generator Termolezji
Producent: Equip, Holandia